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Mark Forsdike

‘No. 18’ or ‘No. 68’?

This past week has been involved in the re-reading of the second proof that arrived from the publishers for checking.

Despite having gone over it again and again in the last week, there are still small points that I have found to be not quite right, and other obvious mistakes that I have must be over looked many times before And not spotted!

The read-through of the second proof has also pulled up a need to do further research - namely into radio sets. When I interviewed a Suffolk veteran of 10 Platoon, D Company, he mentioned that he carried a ‘No. 18 Set’ which was exactly the same as had been carried during the war. However, glancing back over a written account of another Suffolk veteran who was a signaller in C Company, he wrote that he carried a ‘No. 68 set’ yet in both the photographs I possessed of each of these veterans, the radio sets they were both carrying were identical.

A call to a friend who has a Second World War radio truck, established that the two sets were identical in appearance but had small internal differences. The 68 Set was a refinement of the older 18 Set but with a different frequency range, and depending on the climate and patrol distance, both sets were often used side by side. The photograph here shows Signaller Geoff Hobbs operating just such a set.

They say that every day is a school day, and today was no exception as I find it fascinating learning more about the little details like these.


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