Drawing to the end of a tough week at work, I was gobsmacked to see today, a tweet from Ben Davidson, who has just reviewed my book, that gives it a five star rating.
I knew Ben had a copy from the publishers for review, but I did not think that he would write such a glowing review. Ben writes that “This is probably the best book that I have read all year” and goes onto add that “I really have to commend the author Mark Forsdike for writing such a riveting read that I couldn’t put down. What shines through the book and really does hit home is the sheer bravery and courage of these men in such devastating circumstances. I will happily give this book a 5 star read, and it will definitely be in my Top Ten books of the year, as I will wholeheartedly recommend it to any fans of WW2 history.”
Well, this has made me very happy and also very proud that finally the stories of those men of 1/Suffolk who were for so long, lost in the invisibility of history, are now back where they rightly belong at the forefront of the history of that campaign. You can read the review in full here: http://ukhistorianbendavidson.co.uk/fighting-through-to-hitlers-germany/
