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Mark Forsdike

‘Hutted Histories’

On Wednesday, I dreaded the release of a short film I made with my good friends at Great War Huts. They had asked me if I’d be prepared to do a short film to promote the book as part of their excellent on-going ‘hutted histories’ series That has been running over the current lockdown.

Of course I said ‘yes‘ but I was very nervous as I have never done a ‘piece’ direct to camera before. I’ve done several interviews and never found this a problem, but on my own, this was tough. However with the excellent editing skills of the Great War Huts team, they have spliced it together and the end result is superb and highly professional. If you go to the media page of this website, you can watch a link to it on YouTube and please do visit the Great War Huts website to support their unique military heritage project:


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